Friday, October 25, 2024
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Panamanian government admits recommendations on Budget for 2025

Panama City, Oct 25 ( Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of Panama today accepted recommendations of the National Assembly (parliament) to the 2025 Budget, which was criticized for shortcomings in funds destined to education, among others.

According to Minister Felipe Chapman, the amendments will represent an increase of more than one billion to the bill that amounts to 26 thousand 835.2 million dollars.

The official indicated that he presented before the Council of Ministers the new proposal which indicates that as from this year the public expenditure and investment in the educational sector will not be less than seven percent of the Gross Domestic Product.

Likewise, it includes the full allocation of the amounts to be assigned to the municipalities and communal boards through the National Decentralization Authority and the operating funds established in the laws in force for the universities.

Chapman said that if the Cabinet Council approves, he will take the modifications to the Budget Commission this Friday to continue the due process of debate and consideration of the budget proposal for next year.
