Friday, October 25, 2024
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Islamic Emirate urges neighbors to halt deporting Afghan citizens

Kabul, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs at the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban Government), on Friday urged neighboring nations to halt the forced repatriation of Afghan refugees.

We call on neighboring countries and all nations globally, where Afghans have the right to live, not to force the refugees to return, not to deport them forcibly, and allow them to return voluntarily,” Kabir stated at a rally in Kabul.

The deputy prime minister also mentioned that the Islamic Emirate is striving for significant progress in the political and economic sectors, and urged Afghan entrepreneurs to invest in the country and create more job opportunities for citizens.

Meanwhile, Acting Minister of Refugees and Repatriation Khalil Rahman Haqqani pointed out during the event that several factors had led citizens to migrate but after re-establishing the Islamic Emirate, millions of Afghan refugees have returned to the country.

They try to make money from human trafficking, and today since the enemy has failed, they want to create disunity, insecurity, and conspiracies under different names and ethnicities in Afghanistan, Haqqani warned.

In the last two years, the deportation of Afghan refugees from several countries, especially neighboring countries, has increased and from time to time, reports of mistreatment of Afghan refugees in these countries have been published.
