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Ecuador: 14-hour blackouts generate criticism against Noboa Gov’t

Quito, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) The announcement of the extension of the blackouts to 14 hours a day in Ecuador generated harsh criticism against the government of President Daniel Noboa.

This leads the country into recession. There will be no economic growth, neither employment nor investment, Luisa González, president of the Citizen Revolution movement (RC) and candidate for the 2025 presidential elections, denounced on X social media.

For his part, the sociologist and analyst, Agustín Burbano questioned that “they reduced the hours of power cuts without technical support and now we will have 14 hours of power shortage. They rule us with magical thinking and premonitions.”

Likewise, political analyst Mauro Andino, warned that “the country is bleeding and sinking into darkness, the result of a miserable and inoperative regime that allowed the crisis to escalate to such levels,” he lamented.

Also the vice president of the Andean Parliament, Virgilio Hernández, reiterated that 10 months ago they warned the government of the drought and it did nothing, he said.

“Just eight days ago, President Daniel Noboa, without any technical support, announced the reduction of power cuts to eight hours this week, to six the next and so on (…) The week has not ended and the power shortages increase to 14 hours,” he indicated.

This morning, the Minister in charge of Energy and Mines, Inés Manzano, through a video posted on social media, said that going from 8 to 14 hours without electricity is a “painful, but responsible” measure.
