Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Colombian government supports education projects

Bogota, Oct 16 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian Agency for Reincorporation and Standardization (ARN) announced on Wednesday it will fork out nearly half a million USD to support the education of peace signatories and people who have joined the reintegration processes and aspire to graduate from high school.

ARN director Alejandra Miller informed that the aforementioned funds are a “contribution to the construction of territorial peace, as those individuals make the transition from laying down weapons to reentering civilian.”

Miller said the project helps to develop civilian capabilities and building life projects for those who benefit from it.

The official explained that the investment is implemented through the “Tejiendo Saberes” (Weaving Knowledge) educational model, which promotes the reconciliation and coexistence of 820 people committed to education, as an engine of new opportunities for consolidating full citizenship.

“Tejiendo Saberes promotes the beginning or continuation of elementary and junior high studies, as well as the development of skills for people to improve their living conditions and contribute to the construction of their individual projects, through education cycles that allow them to obtain an academic degree, ” she added.
