Wednesday, October 09, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Guatemala and Honduras seek actions for environmental management

Guatemala City, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) The governments of Guatemala and Honduras held a high-level bilateral meeting in which they deepened cooperation and fine-tune actions for comprehensive environmental management.

In a statement, the local foreign ministry said it received the delegation from the neighboring country at its headquarters and after the dialogue they reaffirmed the natural, dynamic, priority and strategic relationship.

They reiterated -the ministry added- the commitment to the comprehensive environmental management of the Motagua River Basin, the area of ​​its mouth and the coast of Omoa Bay, under the principle of shared and differentiated responsibilities.

The talks focused on learning about the status and results of the initiatives implemented; strengthening strategic partnerships and promoting the exchange of good practices to advance towards the comprehensive environmental management and sanitation of the area.

They also considered a proposal for a regulation to define the working guidelines of the high-level table and the bilateral technical committee.

They then signed it and agreed to meet later to analyze a proposal to update the route of actions.

This -the Guatemalan Foreign Ministry specified- will translate into a short, medium and long-term plan, which will then be submitted for approval.

At the end of June, Presidents Xiomara Castro of Honduras and Bernardo Arévalo of Guatemala signed two collaboration agreements during a private meeting held in this capital.

After the meeting, the president said that the documents “are simply an important precedent” for the bilateral Commission that will take place in the second half of this year.

The head of State described that the first text establishes an exchange of notes related to the mechanism to enable the joint management of the Motagua River basin, a waterway that unites them and faces them with shared challenges.

Arévalo said that they agreed to establish academic and diplomatic cooperation, “to collaborate together as we face this complex world,” he said.
