Monday, October 07, 2024
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Chile faces biggest corruption scandal in recent history

Santiago, Chile, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) Chilean Government Spokeswoman Camila Vallejo on Monday described the “Audios Affaire”, which involves figures from the judiciary, business community and right-wing politicians, as the country’s biggest corruption scandal in recent history.

“We are talking about a very deep network of white-collar corruption that has sought to corrupt, through conflicts of interest or influence peddling, different state institutions,” Vallejo said at a press conference in La Moneda.

Media representatives raised questions to Vallejo following the leak of new chats between the influential criminal lawyer Luis Hermosilla, who is in preventive detention, and former Metropolitan Prosecutor Manuel Guerra.

The two suspects talked about contacting Andrés Chadwick, minister of the Interior during the Sebastián Piñera administration, to find a “way out” for the Penta Affaire.

Also known as Pentagate, it refers to a tax evasion case committed by the Penta companies, which allowed, among other things, to finance the campaign of several right-wing politicians, most of them belonging to the Independent Democratic Union (UDI).

Vallejo indicated that the Audios Affaire has three dimensions: one political, one judicial and one legislative.

Regarding the political angle, she recalled there are several names continuously resurfacing in the aforementioned affaire, adding that people behind those names must be held accountable before society and justice.

On the other hand, she said, there is an ongoing exhaustive investigation into the matter, and it is up to the court to determine the accountability of those behind the chats.

And in terms of laws, there is a project to improve the system of appointments of judges, which will be presented at National Congress before October 15, the official concluded.
