Monday, October 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
Bandera inglesa
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Women in minority as candidates for Parliament in Uruguay

Montevideo, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) The low female representation among candidates for Parliament in Uruguay today confirms the gender gap in the electoral campaign for the October 27 elections.

Only 25 percent of the lists for the Senate and 27 percent of the ballot papers for Deputies are headed by women, according to the survey made by La Diaria.

In the case of the lists for the lower house, the Frente Amplio (FA) is the party with the highest female representation in first place (36 percent).

It is followed by the Partido Nacional (PN, 22 percent) and then the Partido Colorado (PC) and Cabildo Abierto (CA, both with 21 percent).

Although the quota system is in force in Uruguay, through the approval of Law 18.476, enacted in 2009, the parties continue to comply with it in a very low manner.

The data, which correspond to the lists published by the Electoral Court until October 2 (1,694 ballot sheets) are in tune with those of the last national election in 2019.

Then Uruguay ranked 96th in the Inter-Parliamentary Union ranking, with only 23 percent participation of women in Deputies and 32 percent in the Senate.
