Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Italian theater group presents play against the blockade of Cuba

Rome, Oct 6 (Prensa Latina) The Italian theater company POST-IT-33 presented today at the Nino Manfredi theater in the capital, the play "Cuba: History of the blockade," about the Revolution in that country and the actions of the United States against it.

This staging, co-sponsored by the Embassy in Rome of the Caribbean nation and the National Association of Friendship Italy-Cuba (Anaic), was carried out as part of the activities framed in the Day of Cuban Culture, which is celebrated every year from October 10 to 20.

Marco Papacci, president of Anaic, said in statements to Prensa Latina, that this play was an initiative of the Rome circle of that group, which provided archival materials and advice to its writers, Damiano Viggiano and Salvatore Ricci, members of that company, for its realization and staging.

Viggiano and Ricci, together with actresses Dalila Aprile and Giorgia Lunghi, all graduates of the International School of Theatre and with a long career on stage, managed to stage in a poetic way, full of symbolism, the Cuban revolutionary process and the North American aggressions to destroy it.

This play reflects through the story of a Cuban family, the guerrilla struggle in the Sierra Maestra against the Batista dictatorship, and the achievements of the Revolution after the triumph of January 1, 1959.

The plot narrates the experiences of a young Cuban doctor who goes to Italy in 2020, joining a brigade of specialists who helped face the Covid-19 pandemic in this country, where he met a local doctor, who managed to understand through him the history of the island and the deep humanism of its Revolution.

They later meet again in Cuba, where the young doctor traveled to also lend her collaboration to the revolutionary process, and the work ends with images of the approval, as every year for three decades, of the condemnation of the blockade in the United Nations General Assembly.

The presentation of the piece before a large Italian public meant an act in favor of strengthening the close ties between both peoples, within the framework of the celebration of the Day of Cuban Culture.
