Saturday, October 05, 2024
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Network in Defense of Humanity rejects Zionist escalation from Cuba

Havana, Oct 5 (Prensa Latina) The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity issued a Declaration against Zionism on Friday, in response to the escalation of the war by the Zionist State of Israel, which transcends any religious approach.

Entitled “Declaration against Zionism and for the Youth of Humanity,” the statement says that “today we are not only facing a warlike advance for natural or mineral resources.”

The document points out that this war is not even against political groups or militias, but rather is presented as a clear contemporary example of the colonialism and racism that Zionism represents.

“We are facing a full-blown war against humanity,” it warns.

It also indicates that the peoples in the Middle East already have a clear idea of who the common enemy and its collaborators are.

Among other questions, the statement asks, Who is collaborating with Israel in this advance? And then it states, “At the stage of the war, the accomplices to the genocides that are occurring in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria are already known openly, without hypocrisy and without complaints. They are none other than the traditional warmongers against humanity: the United States and NATO, and the great empires of the world.”

The Network of Intellectuals in Defense of Humanity also asks, Can it be said that Israel is a colonial and genocidal entity?

And it answers, Yes, because since 1948 and in a sustained manner, it has expanded its territory at the cost of the plundering and occupation of its neighbors, especially Palestine.

The proclamation emphatically rejects this aggression carried out by Zionism, which, as an ally of imperialism and the Old World, does nothing but make it clear that this war is against humanity, free thought, cultural diversity and against all people who constitute themselves as a state and implement emancipatory policies.

From the world, the text continues, we say to youths not only from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, but to every human being, whose heart beats strongly and who has the courage to fight all attempts at imperial advance and all attempts at war, that we are here in permanent combat, denouncing, raising our voice, raising our left fist.

But, above all, raising our awareness to a high level to show them, as always, that they are not alone, that we are together in this fight against imperialism and in favor of the peoples.

The anti-Zionist declaration concludes by saying, “From our trenches, we are sure that you will continue to resist and that you are an example for all the generations that are breathing our air today and those to come.”

“History always tests us, and once again it will be demonstrated of what humanity is made,” the document states, adding, “We are certain that peace and the complementarity of our peoples will lead us along glorious paths towards greatness. EVER ONWARD TO VICTORY!”
