Friday, October 04, 2024
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Painting exhibit on Cuban heroine Celia Sanchez opens in Italy

Rome, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban painting exhibition, Celia Sanchez Manduley, works of 14 artists dedicated to the heroine, the most autochthonous flower of the Revolution, is being exhibited, on Friday, at the headquarters of the Italian-Latin American International Organization (IILA) in this capital.

At the opening ceremony held on Thursday, Cuban Ambassador to Italy, Mirta Granda, stressed that this joint initiative of the Cuban diplomatic mission and the Italy-Cuba Friendship Association (ANAIC), begins in this nation with the activities to celebrate the Caribbean nation’s Culture Day.

Attending the event was a large representation of the diplomatic corps accredited in Rome, international organizations based in this capital, and Cuban Ambassador to the Holy See, Rene Mujica.

Granda thanked Antonella Cavallari, Secretary General of the IILA, who attended the event, for her support in making possible the exhibition to the Italian public, at the headquarters of that prestigious institution, of the serigraphs about the outstanding fighter.

The diplomat spoke about Celia’s life, a passionate, human, and demanding woman, who from the first moments joined the cause of the Revolution, always at the forefront of the struggle until she died in 1980, leaving as a legacy her example “that inspires us to continue working tirelessly to conquer the future.”

ANAIC President Marco Papacci stated that it was a honor for his association, to show the paintings on Celia Sanchez, a true popular icon and a heroine of the epic in which the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and his people, changed the course of history.
