Saturday, October 05, 2024
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Ho Chi Minh City rejects US blockade of Cuba

Hanoi, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) Full support for Cuba's fight against the US economic blockade was ratified by solidarity forces and associations of friendship with Cuba.

The denunciation against the hostile US policy resonated in an event held at the Public Security University of Ho Chi Minh City.

The Union of Friendship Organizations and the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association of Ho Chi Minh City were the organizers of the meeting, held on Thursday.

The president of the Association, Truong Thi Hien, alluded to the importance of bilateral relations, founded and cultivated by Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro.

The relevance of the recent state visit to Cuba by the general secretary of the Communist Party and president of Vietnam, To Lam, which will allow strengthening the traditional solidarity and special friendship between the two countries, trade, investments, and other spheres, was also highlighted.

Cuban Consul General Ariadne Feo Labrada said that the special and unique friendship between Cuba and Vietnam constitutes a model of international relations, and stressed the importance of developing people-to-people diplomacy.

The diplomat denounced the incessant application of the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba, causing considerable damage to the economy and the main obstacle to its economic and social development, to which is added the irrational and unjust inclusion of Cuba in the so-called “list of states sponsors of terrorism.”

This struggle, sustained for more than 65 years against what constitutes an act of war in times of peace, “has left us with no alternative but to fight and resist despite the difficulties,” emphasized the consul, who thanked the Vietnamese Communist Party, State and people for the solidarity and support provided to Cuba at all times.
