Saturday, October 05, 2024
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Brazil hopes to open new markets in China with Xi Jinping’s visit

Brasilia, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian authorities hope that the visit to Brazil of President of China Xi Jinping, scheduled for next November, will open up new market opportunities for national agribusiness.

The visit will symbolize the high esteem of bilateral ties through formal ceremonies and will highlight the importance of growing trade between the two countries, despite a recent decline in investments.

Relations with China are at their best, creating a favorable environment to strengthen partnerships in the agricultural sector, highlighted the interim Minister of Agriculture, Roberto Perosa.

Recognized for its robust agricultural production capacity, Brazil sees China as a strategic partner, both for the export of raw materials and for the development of technologies that promote the efficiency and sustainability of agribusiness.

Among Brazil’s requests are the release of products such as bone-in beef, bovine cracklings and peanut flour, which can be essential to diversify exports and satisfy China’s growing demand.

In addition to these items, the negotiation involves a dozen products, including sorghum, fresh grapes, sesame and fish meal.

Several agreements are expected to be formalized during the Chinese president’s visit to Brazil, which will boost trade relations between the two countries.

Brazil seeks to consolidate its position as one of the world’s leading food suppliers, by expanding access to new markets, taking advantage of the opportunities that arise with China’s presidente visit and the growing interdependence between the two nations.
