Wednesday, October 02, 2024
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Government declared Aerolineas Argentinas subject to privatization

Buenos Aires, Oct 2 (Prensa Latina) Despite the rejection of several unions and sectors, the Argentine government today made official the declaration of Aerolíneas Argentinas as a company subject to privatization.

By means of Decree 873/2024, published in the Official Gazette, the Executive of La Libertad Avanza specified that, according to Law 23 696, it will be possible to opt for the commercialization of the assets of the flag carrier, as a unit or separately; the sale or placement of shares; the lease or administration with or without purchase option; the concession, license or permit; and the combination of the aforementioned modalities, among others.

It also indicated that the process may include the transfer to one or several human persons, private or public legal entities.

In order to take such measures, the Government of Javier Milei relies on the decree of necessity and urgency 70/23, which modifies or eliminates more than 300 regulations, declares an emergency in economic, financial, fiscal and administrative matters, among others, and provides for a general deregulation program.

In addition, it justifies its decision with the need for “a comprehensive reorganization of the commercial aviation legislation to provide the market with a competitive environment that grants enough flexibility to reach all Argentine cities”.

Recently, the President approved the granting of authorizations to foreigners to operate in the Argentine airline market and establish the open skies policy, which was strongly questioned by the unions of the sector, considering that it gives away national sovereignty and is an attempt to destroy Aerolíneas.
