Tuesday, October 01, 2024
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Sheinbaum assures she will continue transforming Mexico

Mexico City, Oct 1 (Prensa Latina) The president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, highlighted today the results in the economic and social sphere of the concluded six-year term and assured she will continue with the so-called fourth transformation of the country´s public life.

In the first speech after her inauguration, the president highlighted that 9.5 million citizens were lifted out of poverty, that without raising taxes, inequalities were reduced and that Mexico is among the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development with the least debt and a strong currency.

According to her, this was due to a change in the country’s development model, since it went from “the failed neoliberal model and the regime of corruption and privileges, to one that emerged from the fruitful history of Mexico, from love for the people and honesty.”

“For the good of Mexico, of all of us, we are going to continue with Mexican humanism, with the fourth transformation,” said the head of state, summarizing what she considered to be her main guidelines¨.

Among these, she highlighted principles such as “for the good of all, first the poor” and that democracy is “the government of the people, by the people and for the people,” while praising the policy of republican austerity and the honesty that should characterize public servants.

“Corruption must be fought for ethics and principles, but also, as we have seen, because therein lie the resources necessary for the well-being of the people and the development of the nation,” she asserted, also alluding to freedom as the essence of democracy.

The development and well-being of the people can only be strengthened by caring for the environment and natural resources, she said in her speech, in which she also stressed that women have the right to substantive equality, while condemning classism, racism, machismo and any form of discrimination.

“Mexico is a sovereign, independent, free and democratic country. We want peace and fraternity of nations and we coordinate, but we do not subordinate ourselves,” she emphasized as part of the principles that will guide the work of the government. She said that during the six-year term, which began today, all freedoms (of expression, press, assembly, mobilization) and religious, political, social, cultural and sexual diversity will be guaranteed, while human rights will be respected and the force of the State will never be used to repress the people.

In economic matters, she will maintain the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico, a responsible fiscal policy, a reasonable proportion between debt and Gross Domestic Product, and public and private investment will be promoted. “I say it very clearly: be assured that investments of national and foreign shareholders will be safe in our country,” she emphasized.

“There will be the rule of law. The recent constitutional reform to the judiciary, which establishes the election of judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote, means more autonomy and independence of the judiciary,” said Sheinbaum, who also assured that all social programs will be maintained.

During her speech, she stressed that on June 2, the day she overwhelmingly won the presidential elections, “the people of Mexico, in a democratic and peaceful way, said loud and clear: it is time for transformation and it is time for women.”
