Monday, September 30, 2024
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Mexico´s López Obrador bids farewell to his six-year term

Mexico City, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) Mexico´s outgoing president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, concluded his last morning press conference today, amid live music and a joyful gathering, just hours away from winding up his six-year term.

After signing two constitutional reforms, one on the National Guard and another on the rights of indigenous peoples, and presenting a balance of his administration, the president was pleasantly surprised by a music video with a song dedicated to his struggle and the transformation the country has gone through under his administration.

Phrases such as “we will never forget you in life, because only the ungrateful forget”, “sadness joins hope, because life goes on and Mexico moves forwards” and “it is a pride and an honor to have fought with Obrador” all moved the president, who ends up his mandate boasting a popularity rate of around 70 percent.

His political performance resulted in more than 9.5 million people lifted from poverty, inequality was reduced, there were record figures in foreign direct investment and remittances, as well as a monthly unemployment rate of 2.7 percent, considered one of the lowest in history (in the country and in the world).

“I feel very proud, very happy that we attended to everyone, we listened to everyone, we respected everyone, but we gave preference to those most in need. We put into practice our principle that for the good of all, the poor first, and it was not just a proclamation,” he had previously stressed.

He also said that he is leaving “very happy” because tomorrow he will hand over the presidential sash to “an exceptional woman, a humanist, a woman full of love, humility, good feelings,” in reference to the woman who will become the first female president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum.
