Monday, September 30, 2024
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Measures applied in Colombia to guarantee energy generation

Bogotá, Sep 30 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia today activated a series of measures that seek to maintain the country's energy generation capacity in critical conditions of low hydrology, such as those presented by the climate crisis.

The Mechanism to Guarantee Energy Reliability includes a set of regulations to manage the efficient use of water to generate electricity and to constantly monitor the situation.

According to the source, the National Dispatch Center will periodically evaluate the aggregate water levels in the country’s reservoirs with the objective of guaranteeing they have sufficient availability to cover demand in dry seasons.

Likewise, in case hydroelectric generation is not sufficient, the system has the capacity for thermal generation and non-conventional sources, which ensures that energy demand remains covered without compromising supply, the communication added.

The entity also pointed out that, through the Advisory Commission for Coordination and Monitoring of the Energy Situation, the Ministry and its attached entities constantly monitor the situation and adjust the measures, according to the evolution of reservoir levels, weather conditions and demand.

According to the entity, from 2023 and throughout 2024, the Ministry of Mines and Energy makes decisions with the purpose of ensuring energy supply.

It then said that the country has made progress in the incorporation of renewable energies, already having about 1.9 gigawatts of installed capacity in the National Interconnected System (SIN), which allows diversifying generation and facing water changes.

Also, through regulatory measures, the delivery of surplus energy to the SIN was authorized to maximize energy availability, and a national campaign was reactivated that calls on citizens and industrial and commercial sectors to optimize the use of energy and water.

According to a recent report by XM, the company in charge of operating the SIN, the lowest water contributions in the last 40 years were recorded during the current month and last month.

From August 30 to September 25, water addition reached its lowest level in the last 20 years compared to similar periods, XM added.
