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China calls for respect of Venezuela’s election results

Beijing, Aug 26 (Prensa Latina) China on Monday called for respect for the choice made by the Venezuelan people in the last elections, in which President Nicolas Maduro achieved victory.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lin Jian said the parties “should respect Venezuela’s right to choose its path of development and believe that the country’s government and people are capable of managing well their internal affairs.”

Earlier, Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Nicolas Maduro on his electoral victory and reiterated Beijing’s support for the “just struggle against external meddling.”

In his message, Xi praised Maduro’s leadership in seeking a path of development following his country’s national conditions, and “achieving remarkable successes in national construction.”

“China and Venezuela are friends of mutual trust and joint development partners,” he added, and stressed the Chinese government’s support for Caracas’ efforts “to safeguard its national sovereignty, dignity, social stability, and its just struggle against external interference.”

Xi Jinping stressed his high regard for the bilateral relationship and expressed his willingness to work with President Maduro “to continue leading the China-Venezuela comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights to benefit both countries.”
