Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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More than 340 people have been victims of massacres in Ecuador

Quito, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) More than 340 people have been victims of massacres in Ecuador, in the midst of the internal armed conflict and despite the militarization that the country is experiencing today.

According to data from the Ministry of the Interior, revealed by local media, the first six months of 2024 accumulated 92 massacres and 3,37 intentional homicides of the year occurred under this modality.

According to these figures, at regional level, most of the multiple homicides were committed in coastal provinces, mainly Guayas and Manabí.

However, the Government contradicts the figures on the violence that plagues Ecuador.

Last Thursday, the Executive evaluated the security situation here and concluded that July was the least violent month this year with a 27 percent reduction in violent deaths nationwide.

However, a report from the Communication Secretariat of the Presidency contradicted what was stated by the Minister of the Interior, Monica Palencia.

With a graph citing as a source the National Directorate of Investigation of Crimes against Life (Dinased) of the Police, the Secretariat showed that July is not the least violent month so far this year, but second with the most homicides.
