Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Nicaraguan FM highlights Bolivians’ courage for their freedom

Managua, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada stressed the courage and love for the homeland of the men and women who fought for Bolivia's freedom and self-determination and affirmed they inspire with their example.

In a speech commemorating the 199th anniversary of Bolivia’s independence on Tuesday, Moncada pointed out that those heroes recall that freedom and sovereignty require determination, unity, and the people’s dignity.

“On this significant date, we recall the strength and will of resistance of the original peoples recognized in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, highlighting the struggle of those who led social and community uprisings for freedom and justice,” he said.

The head of Nicaraguan diplomacy added that such actions teach the importance and transcendence of honoring roots, national identity, and preserving the cultural diversity that enriches and strengthens nations.

He said, “Their legacy of resistance reminds us of the importance of continuing to fight for the self-determination and sovereignty of our peoples, unity, solidarity, and a fairer and more equitable multipolar world without interventionist empires.”

During the ceremony at the Olof Palme Conference Center in Managua, Moncada pointed out that the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean continue to be guided by a common sublime spirit of unity and the practice of fraternal human solidarity, integration, and the struggle against exclusion, discrimination, and all forms of domination.

Moncada reaffirmed Nicaragua’s commitment to continue strengthening the historic bonds of cooperation, friendship, and fraternal solidarity that unite the two peoples and governments, “with the certainty of our just present and future victories.”

Attending the ceremony were Interior Minister Amelia Coronel, part of the diplomatic corps accredited in this country, and a representation of Bolivian residents in Nicaragua.
