Friday, September 20, 2024
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Study registers 54.9 percent of poverty in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) 54.9 percent of the Argentine population is poor and the indigence index has risen to 20.3, revealed a report from the Catholic University (UCA) published by Página 12 newspaper.

According to a study by the Social Debt Observatory of the UCA, based on data from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, these are the highest levels in the last 20 years, which reflects that one in five people does not even reach the minimum income to be able to live.

The period analyzed was the first quarter of this year, which was marked by the application of a strong adjustment, the devaluation of the Argentine peso, economic deregulation, the fall in production and economic activity, massive layoffs, and the destruction of the State, among other measures taken by the government of Javier Milei.

As reported by the Observatory, the emergency grew almost 10 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, when the number of poor people stood at 45.2 percent and indigence at 14.6.

In addition, the study specified that the poorest city in the country is Resistencia, in Chaco (79.5 percent), followed by Formosa (72.1) and La Rioja (68), located in the homonymous provinces.

Social, union, and human rights organizations plan to hold a National Day of Struggle, on August 7, with assemblies, strikes, rallies, and other protest actions against the Executive’s policies.
