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Peruvian congressman refutes attacks on Venezuelan election

Lima, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) Peruvian Congressman Guillermo Bermejo who attended the July 28 election in Venezuela, as an international observer, refuted the political and media campaign on the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

The legislator ratified his testimony that the election was transparent and left no room for fraud and criticized that the press and political sectors let themselves be carried away by distorted versions in that regard, as well as the fact of presenting the defeated candidate Maria Corina Machado as a democrat, as she is a far-right opponent.

The international observer questioned Machado’s allegation that she had in her hands 80% of the tally sheets of the July 28 elections and proclaimed herself the winner, on which the Venezuelan Government and authorities have asserted that the candidate used forged tally sheets. In that sense, Bermejo asked “Can you imagine what would happen in Peru if after the elections I said as a candidate that I do not care about the electoral court and I am going to count up by myself the ballot papers?

Bermejo pointed out that those forged tally sheets were a mockery of the opposition since evidence was sent to the local press that Machado was using account sheets with false signatures and ID card numbers.

The congressman recalled that the defeated candidate has repeatedly requested the military US intervention in Venezuela, noting that he, as a clear opponent of the Boluarte Government would never call foreign troops to enter Peru to overthrow her, because such an action would be treason to the homeland.

Bermejo added that nine of the 10 candidates recognized the electoral result and that the street violence is reduced to groups paid off, under the command of Machado’s characters and other far right-wing opponents, such as Leopoldo Lopez and Henrique Capriles.

Meanwhile, political analyst Gustavo Espinoza underscored that by proclaiming Edmundo Gonzalez as the winner of the presidential elections in Venezuela, the far-right faction has repeated the same thing they did with the false President Juan Guaido after previous elections.

Both Espinoza and Bermejo agreed on considering the failure of the attempt of the Peruvian Foreign Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea to achieve a consensus in the Organization of American States (OAS) against the Venezuelan Government.
