Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Panama Canal increases daily transit slots for vessels to 35

Panama City, Aug 5 (Prensa Latina) With the arrival of the rainy season, the Panama Canal has increased the number of daily transit slots for vessels to 35.

The Panama Canal Authority (PCA) pointed out in a statement that restrictive measures have been in place since last year due to the severe drought.

Experts stated that under optimal conditions, the average daily transit through the Canal, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is between 35 and 36 vessels.

Since July 11, the Canal has also increased the draft of vessels to 48 feet, which will allow ships with larger cargoes to pass through.

It is expected that the Canal announce, before ending 2024, some measures aimed at the proposal to build a new dam in the Indio River after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the expansion of the hydrographic basin under the institution’s responsibility.

The Panama Canal, which connects more than 180 routes in 170 countries, is one of its most significant economic assets, as its revenues account for 6.0 percent of the Gross Domestic Product.
