Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Enveloping tribute to Cuban artist Wifredo Lam from Ecuador

Quito, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) From an “Enveloping” ceiling-wall, the Ecuadorian artist Xavier León pays tribute to the work of Cuban painter Wifredo Lam, recognized today as one of the architects of the Latin American avant-garde.

León, who is a professor at the Faculty of Arts of the Central University of Ecuador, explained to Prensa Latina that “Enveloping” is linked to the architectural project from its beginnings and plays with the conceptual and spiritual keys of the work of the Cuban master.

In Lam’s work, in his artistic and political life, there are very important issues such as his position and activism against fascism and that death drive that articulates formal proposals of the European avant-garde, mainly surrealism and certain categories of cubism, with his local culture, charged with mysticism, explained León.

The Ecuadorian artist explained that this piece is the product of a collaboration with the company TP arquitectura, which worked closely for more than a decade with the renowned Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza, whose work was characterized by the harmonious integration of his buildings with the landscape and the environment, both natural and urban.

According to León, the structure of the design in Envolvente shows the image in the cleanest way possible and the architectural space, the connection with the people who inhabit it and the expansion of aesthetic possibilities that play an important role.

Hence his link with the work of the Cuban Lam, characterized by a constant search for identity from the criticism of oppression and injustice.

His art is today a bridge between worlds, a testimony to his ability to transcend borders and celebrate human diversity.
