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Peruvian excandidate expressed herself against call for coup

Lima, Jul 31 (Prensa Latina) Former presidential candidate Veronika Mendoza today rejected calls for a coup d'état and foreign intervention in Venezuela, whose crisis, she said, should not be a smokescreen for negative actions by the Peruvian government.

Mendoza made her pronouncement on the Venezuelan issue, she said in an online message.

“In the face of the shouting of certain political sectors that call for a coup, interference and violence’ in that country.

Instead, he proposed to wait for the reports of international observers of the elections, such as the United Nations, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and to respect the sovereignty and the will of the Venezuelan people.

He warned that the legitimate concern for the Venezuelan situation in Peru ‘should not be used as a smokescreen for the (ruling) mafia coalition to continue repressing, criminalizing and finishing off the country with impunity’.

“I cannot fail to point out that in these days thousands of Peruvians have marched accompanying the relatives of the victims of the repression and massacres of December 2022 to March 2023′ and there were cases of arbitrary detentions and mistreatment of demonstrators, she denounced.
