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Cuba doesn’t interfere in electoral processes, but US does, FM states

Havana, Jul 30 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Cuba on Tuesday rejected accusations from the United States of alleged interference in its presidential elections, and ratified that the Caribbean island has never interfered in other countries' internal affairs.

Cuba’s position was defended on X by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, who noted that, on the other hand, the United States “cannot say the same” about its own behavior in that regard.

Its (White House) interference in most countries in the world and the political-media manipulation of electoral processes are well documented, the head of Cuban diplomacy denounced.

On Monday, the US newspaper El Nuevo Herald published accusations attributed to “United States intelligence” that link Cuba with alleged attempts to influence that nation’s elections.

Cuban authorities have always rejected such slander, which they describe as “a total fallacy” that continually surfaces on the US political scene.
