Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Honduran President reaffirms commitment to education development

Tegucigalpa, Jul 30 (Prensa Latina) The President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, reaffirmed her government's commitment today to the development plan for the education sector to ensure inclusion and quality in teacher training.

During the launching of the “Champion Municipalities for Education” program, the head of state highlighted the importance of education as the tool that empowers people for the love of their country, forms human and social values, transforms communities, and builds a fair and equitable society.

The President commented that the re-foundation of education in Honduras is a mission for human development, in process in the educational secretariat, which implies, not only teacher coverage but also quality to raise the level of schooling, considered the lowest in the continent. Castro referred to the investments in the educational area and explained that this ministry currently has the largest budget in the country’s history, with close to 41 billion lempiras (more than 1,655 million dollars).

“We created eight bilingual normal schools and seven agricultural schools at the national level, I have assigned to the municipal mayors more than two billion lempiras (more than 80 million 758 thousand dollars) in national funds together with the Ministry of Education for the repair of more than 12,500 schools abandoned by the dictatorship,” she said.

Similarly, the first female president of Honduras noted the free registration in the country’s educational centers so that children, young people, and adults have access to education.
