Monday, September 16, 2024
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Uruguay’s FA maintains electoral leadership

Montevideo, Jul 30 (Prensa Latina) Uruguay's Broad Front (Frente Amplio-FA) continues to lead in vote intentions for October's national elections, according to data published by Cifras pollster on Tuesday.

If the elections were held this weekend, 45 percent of voters would support the alliance of forces that call themselves leftist in this country.

This figure corresponds to the competition among the presidential candidates, for which the FA defends Yamandu Orsi, for president, and Carolina Cosse, for vice president.

The FA ticket would surpass candidates Alvaro Delgado and Valeria Ripoll of the National Party, which obtained 27 percent in the poll.

They are followed by the Colorado party with nine percent, the Cabildo Abierto party with three percent, and the Independent party with one percent.
