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Syrian President congratulates Maduro on his reelection

Damascus, Jul 29 (Prensa Latina) Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad sent a message of congratulations to his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro on occasion of the latter's victory in the presidential elections.

In his letter, Al-Assad expressed his congratulations to the friendly people of Venezuela for the success of the electoral process and for their adherence to the sovereignty and constitution of their country.

Venezuelans have shown a free and independent will, far from any attempt to interfere in their internal affairs, the leader pointed out.

He added that the changes and events that the world is witnessing require that sovereign and independent countries have the decision and will to achieve the highest levels of cooperation and mutual support.

We must work to build alliances with all countries that share our principles and values, and seek good and peace in this world, Al-Assad said.

He stressed Damascus’ constant interest in ensuring that the historic friendly relations between Syria and Venezuela adopt an upward trend at all levels, and strengthen bilateral cooperation and expand its perspectives in a way that achieves the common interest of the two friendly countries and their peoples.
