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Belarusian president congrats Cuba on National Rebelliousness Day

Minsk, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) Belarusian President Aleksánder Lukashenko congratulated his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Díaz-Canel, on National Rebelliousness Day on Friday.

In his message, the Belarusian head of State pointed out that both countries need not only to expand cooperation in the traditional sphere of trade, but also to engage into cooperative forms of interaction, as highlighted by Belarusian media on Friday.

The creation of joint ventures for the production of whole milk, medicines and tractors will lead to a qualitatively new stage in our economic relations, he added.

Lukashenko stressed that, for Belarus, Cuba is “one of the most important partners and friends of the Western Hemisphere.”

The Belarusian leader highlighted that it was on the Day of National Rebelliousness that Cuba’s path towards the construction of a socially oriented State began, in order to “pursue an honest domestic and foreign policy.”

Lukashenko wished the brother Cuban people peace and prosperity.

After his recent visit to Cuba, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko noted that despite the difficulties and Western sanctions, the possibility has been found to supply Belarusian products to Cuba, where they make food products and machinery.

The Cuban leader, in turn, stated that he was looking forward to Lukashenko’s visit. He stressed that Havana condemns the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of Belarus and the unilateral sanctions against the country, another circumstance that unites both nations.
