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Cuban president states that a better world is possible

Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel noted that in this province, venue of the main event on July 26, that a better world is possible, when speaking at a meeting with representatives of brigades and solidarity groups on Thursday.

He explained that all of us in different trenches are fighting to achieve it, even amid the complex situation that the country is going through and with a tightened economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the Government of the United States.

In this regard, he mentioned economic asphyxiation and media intoxication as two manifestations of the above, and in the latter case by presenting a virtual and distorted Cuba that is distant from the real one, with needs, but with a respectful and loving people who resist.

“We know that you recognize that Cuba is not a sponsor of terrorism and has been a victim of it,” he stressed.

The head of State praised the Cuba’s particular feeling for Puerto Rico and recalled the poem that says that Cuba and Puerto Rico are two wings of a same bird. You give us solidarity and we demand the independence of Puerto Rico, he emphasized.

The Cuban president cited the maxim of Building economic wealth to distribute with social justice. “Everyone comes first, above the self.”

He pointed out that Cuba has systematically condemned the Israeli Government’s genocide against Palestine.

If you have contributed to the Cuban Revolution, we have the duty to defend it. Continue to count on Cuba and be certain that there will be a Socialist Revolution in Cuba forever, he concluded.

Participants in the meeting included, among others, Milagros Rivera, president of the Cuba Solidarity Committee and coordinator of the Juan Rius Rivera Brigade, and Thorben Peters, representative of the Left Party in Lower Saxony and an active member of the solidarity movement in Germany.

The list of participants also included Rosemari Mealy, member of the Board of Directors of the Interfaith Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) Pastors for Peace, and José López, president of the José Martí Cultural Association of the United States.

On behalf of Cuba were Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez; Deivy Pérez, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and first secretary in Sancti Spíritus; Governor Alexis Lorente, and Fernando González, president of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

Other friends of Cuba at the meeting were 47 members of the José Martí European Brigade of Volunteer Work and Solidarity with Cuba, made up of nine countries, and 10 Cuban residents in the United States, members of the José Martí Cultural Association, as well as a dozen students from African and Caribbean countries who graduated from the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti Spíritus, where the meeting took place.
