Monday, September 16, 2024
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Cuba to host International Congress on ulcer management

Havana, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba will host the 7th International Congress on Integral Management of Ulcers and Complex Wounds, scheduled from September 1 to 5, with the presence of experts and world leaders from more than 20 countries.

Participants will present their scientific results and knowledge on the latest advances in the integral management of ulcers and complex wounds, according to the Cuban medical portal Infomed.

Lectures will deal with Diabetes from a cardiovascular and endocrinological perspective, and Molecular biology of wound healing processes.

There will be an update on therapies for diabetic foot ulcers, the implementation of community programs for the comprehensive care of diabetic patients, and orthopedic procedures in diabetic patients.

As in previous editions, the congress will present the results of the administration of the Cuban-made drug Heberprot-P, developed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology(CIGB).

This therapy, based on intra and perilesional infiltration of recombinant human skin growth factor, has been massively extended due to its properties of stimulating anabolic metabolism in wounds, promoting new cell divisions, the formation of effective granulation tissue, and a decrease in the relative risk of amputation due to this pathology.
