Monday, September 16, 2024
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Argentine union to define actions against government measures

Buenos Aires, Jul 24 (Prensa Latina) The secretary general of the Argentine State Workers Association (ATE), Rodolfo Aguiar, informed that the organization will define judicial measures and actions to reject the reinstatement of the income tax.

On Monday, the Government of Javier Milei made official the reintroduction of the lowest category of this tax, which had been eliminated in 2023 by the then Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. Milei, then deputy for La Libertad Avanza, supported Massa’s measure, but now decided to reestablish the tax, thus affecting close to one million people.

“The tax collection regime is experiencing a real setback and goes against the grain of what is happening in the rest of the world. While at a global level a tax on large estates is being discussed, in Argentina the tax package benefits them and adds burdens to workers and retirees”, Aguiar stated.

“It is an unconstitutional tax. In addition, in this new phase the number of state employees affected is greater. Not only does it decrease the non-taxable minimum, but it also eliminates the special regimes. On the other hand, it affects provincial and municipal autonomy”, he added.

The union leader informed that more than 20 thousand workers of the national public administration will be affected by the Government’s decision, to which are added more than 78 thousand from decentralized agencies.

“We are further and further away from the fact that in Argentina those who have more are paying more taxes,” Aguiar asserted.
