Monday, September 16, 2024
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Properties related to corruption cases seized in South Africa

Pretoria, Jul 23 (Prensa Latina) South African police authorities seized properties worth several million dollars in corruption cases related to Covid-19.

According to an official statement, the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) of the National Prosecuting Authority, the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) and the Directorate for the Investigation of Priority Crimes (Hawks) seized the assets and properties valued at approximately 52,6 million rand (almost three million dollars).

These assets are linked to 22 senior service providers and entities involved in an alleged corruption network within the Ministry of Public Works in the eastern province of Mpumalanga.

The investigation uncovered multiple cases of corruption, fraud, theft and money laundering committed by senior managers and service providers involved in procuring disinfection and protection systems during the Covid-19 period.

According to the text, issued jointly by the NPA, Hawks and SIU, the operation included filling orders at 34 locations and capturing inventories of 29 properties, 31 vehicles and one boat trailer.

The warrant, the document adds, covers properties such as houses, electronics, automobiles, household items, jewelry, weapons, ammunition, bank accounts, salaries and bail bonds.

The seized assets and frozen properties belong to employees of Mpumalanga Public Works, while others belong to service providers doing business with the Ministry.
