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Over ten countries to attend Angola International Fair

Luanda, Jul 23 (Prensa Latina) More than ten countries will attend the 39th Luanda International Fair (FILDA), the largest exhibition and trade event in Angola, inaugurated on Tuesday.

Hermenegildo Santos, Communications and Marketing manager of the Arena Group, stated that among the nations represented in the pavilions of the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone are Portugal, Brazil, Italy, the United States, Germany, Japan, and South Korea.

The number of exhibitors, in general, has already exceeded the previous edition of the event, when 1,300 companies brought their products and services. but organizers continue to receive registration requests, Santos told Jornal de Angola.

FILDA will be held until July 28 under the theme “Food Security and International Partnership.”

Angola’s Industry and Trade Minister Rui Miguens de Oliveira stressed that the event will focus on national production, especially the agricultural and livestock sectors.

Among the fair’s events is the Angola-Portugal Forum, which will be attended by Portuguese Prime Minister Luis Montenegro, who will visit Angola from July 23 to 25.
