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Yemeni firefighters try to put out fire in Hodeida port

Aden, Yemen, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Authorities and firefighters of the Houthi rebels from the Ansar Allah Movement are currently trying to put out a fire caused by Israel's attacks on the port of Hodeida.

On Saturday, eyewitnesses revealed that Zionist bombardments hit oil tanks and a power plant in the city and high flames and a black cloud of smoke still persist.

The Houthi Health Ministry noted that the attack killed six people and injured over 80, mostly due to severe burns.

Israel bombed the port of Hodeida in western Yemen in response to a Houthi drone strike on Tel Aviv.

Fuel and international aid for the rebel-held areas of Yemen enter through the port of Hodeida.

On November 19, the Houthi rebels grouped in the Ansar Allah Movement proclaimed the decision to attack ships linked to Israel in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, in response to Israeli’s aggression against Gaza.

The Houthis control northern Yemen, including the capital, after taking up arms against the Government in 2014, when a civil war that continues today broke out.
