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National mourning in Vietnam for the death of VCP general secretary

Hanoi, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) A special statement to declare national mourning on the occasion of the death, the day before, of the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (PCV), Nguyen Phu Trong, was released today in this capital.

The statement, issued by the VCP Central Committee, the National Assembly (parliament), the President of the Republic, the Government, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front, also informs that these bodies decided to hold the funeral of the top party leader according to the national rite.

The message stresses that “the physical departure of the General Secretary constitutes a great loss for the Party, the State, the people, and his family”.

It further notes that after a period of serious illness and due to advanced age, despite the special attention of the VCP, the State, a collective of outstanding professors and doctors and his family, Phu Trong passed away yesterday at 13:38 (local time) at the 108 Central Military Hospital, in this capital, at the age of 80 years old.

On a separate note, the VNA news agency reported that the funeral of the beloved party leader will be held on July 25 and 26, according to the national funeral rite.

On the two days of national mourning (July 25 and 26), flags will be flown at half-mast at agencies, workplaces, and public places and all public entertainment activities will be suspended.
