Monday, September 16, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Nicaragua and Belarus sign agreements and strengthen cooperation

Managua, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) Authorities from the governments of Nicaragua and Belarus signed several agreements to strengthen cooperation in important sectors.

The parties subscribed to an accord on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs and a memorandum between the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Nicaragua and the Ministry of Justice of Belarus. In addition, a roadmap was signed for the development of short-term economic-trade cooperation, and the addendum to the agreement on export granting credits.

Nicaragua’s presidential advisor for investment, cooperation, and international trade issues, Laureano Ortega, expressed that the two countries will continue to work and expand bilateral cooperation in all fields. He thanked President Alexander Lukashenko, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko, and the Belarusian people and Government for their willingness to support Nicaragua’s development and strengthen its brotherhood.

The Prime Minister of Belarus stated that “Taking into account the number of agreements and contracts signed today, it can be said that this day marked significant progress in terms of deepening our bilateral relations”. In addition to the signed agreements, Golovchenko gave Ortega two certificates; the first for a modern pharmacy equipped with modern technology, and the second granting scholarships to Nicaraguan university students who can pursue their academic career in Higher Centers in Belarus with specialties of their interest.

The visit of the Belarusian delegation coincides with the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution, which will be commemorated tomorrow.
