Thursday, September 19, 2024
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More employment among Panamanians’ expectations with new Government

Panama City, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) The generation of employment and a decrease in the high cost of living are among the expectations of Panamanians with the new government, according to a survey today.

According to the study by Prodigious Consulting, prepared for the newspaper La Estrella de Panamá, the fight against corruption is also part of what the population expects from the administration of José Raúl Mulino, who took office on July 1.

According to the survey, 25.8 percent of the citizens consider that employment should be the first problem to be solved, although they also mention insecurity and lack of opportunities.

As with Mulino’s government, Panamanians expect the new National Assembly (unicameral parliament), in which no political party has an absolute majority and there are 20 deputies by free nomination, to address these issues.

In this regard, the survey indicates that 85 percent of Panamanians have positive expectations regarding the management of the Legislative, while 18.5 percent believe that its performance will be negative.

The day before, the deputies found consensus for the conformation of the Budget Commission, the last of some 15 work teams, and this Thursday the election of their respective directives begin.
