Monday, September 16, 2024
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Cuban lawmakers debate government measures to boost economy

Havana, Jul 17 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero on Wednesday explained to lawmakers the progress of the main actions announced by the Government to correct distortions and re-boost the economy.

During the first day of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the National People’s Power Assembly (Parliament), Marrero noted that various joint actions have been taken to strengthen inspection and curb inflation.

In this regard, he mentioned the qualification of more than 7,000 inspectors, a process that continues and is expected to reach 20,000 such officials.

He noted that prices in the network of stores in foreign currency are being evaluated to make them more competitive.

The prime minister recognized that the most effective solution against inflation and high prices is to produce more and increase the supply of goods and services to the people.

He pointed out that as part of the actions to confront price violations, 11,891 inspections were made in two days, and 4,954 violations were detected. In addition, 4,332 fines, worth more than 13 million pesos, were imposed.

Marrero explained the lawmakers about the impact of the measures to increase money collection, the new retail prices for fuel and the postponement of the extension of tariff exemptions on the import of medicines and food.

Regarding the recent pricing policy for basic products, he commented that it responds to a general demand from the Cuban people and sanctions will be applied to the stockholders who do not comply with what is established.

He considered the implementation of macroeconomic stabilization necessary, a process that he described as tough but vital.
