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Argentinian union leader warns of sharp drop in workers’wages

Buenos Aires, Jul 17 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of The Autonomous-Argentinian Trade Union (CTA-A) Hugo Godoy warned of the workers’ wages sharp drop amid a complex socioeconomic scenario.

In a press conference, Godoy pointed out, “since President Javier Milei took office, citizens are suffering a significant loss in the purchasing power of their salaries”. In addition, the union leader demanded the establishment of a reference basket to start negotiations.

Godoy asserted, “We demand that the Wage Board be fully operational.” He advanced that they are preparing a rally on Thursday in front of the Secretariat for Labor.

The secretary-general unfolded, “We’ll mobilize to support social organizations besieged by this Government. Not only does it not deliver food to them, but it also mounts raids and persecutions.” he indicated.

The worker’s leader ensured, “We are convinced that taking to the streets is the only way out to obtain our victory.” He also accused the Executive of leading eight million Argentinians to starvation.

Social movements will join the July 18 rally, such as “Corriente Clasista y Combativa”, the “Federación Nacional Territorial”, “Libres del Sur” and the “Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha”, among others.

Silvia Saravia, member of the “Libres del Sur” movement, denounced the Government’s main goal which is building up a model of a country where the working sectors have incomes below the poverty and indigence line.
