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Neither Bello nor Tubiana, French left wing has reached no consensus

Paris, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The French left wing has not reached consensus on Tuesday about the person whom it will propose as prime minister after the members of La France Insoumise (LFI) party ruled out accepting economist Laurence Tubiana, who seems to have the same fate as Huguette Bello.

LFI Coordinator Manuel Bompard considered that Tubiana, who heads the European Climate Foundation (ECF) and is a former Climate Change Ambassador for COP21, is not a serious proposal and some of his party colleagues went further by describing her as “Macron compatible.”

The socialists, the ecologists, and the communists had approved Tubiana for the post of prime minister.

The left-wing parties grouped in the New Popular Front (NPF) won the majority of lawmakers in the National Assembly in the recent legislative elections.

The LFI announced on Monday its withdrawal from the talks in response to the Socialists’ refusal over the weekend to support the the candidacy of Bello, who is the president of the Regional Council of La Reunion.

Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), stated that not achieving a consensus could mean the failure by the New Popular Front, which won some 180 seats in the elections, surpassing the ruling party by nearly more than 160 seats, and the extreme right wing with 142 seats.

Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS), insisted that Tubiana represents a nomination that President Emmanuel Macron will be forced to assess.
