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President of Nicaragua describes relations with China as historic

Managua, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, described relations with China as "historic" and affirmed that China is an example of what it means to be a power respectfully linked to small countries.

The head of state highlighted in a speech last night the prestige achieved by China with President Xi Jinping. “It is a prestige that has been established on the planet, and in the BRICS they form an important group that is a brake on imperialist policies, invasion, sanctions, it is a brake that is forming the new world which will bring peace and happiness to humanity,” Ortega said.

The president recalled those years when Mao Tse-Tung was at the head of the Chinese Revolution and how he could unite China, where there were differences between the provinces. He also commented that when the Nicaraguan revolutionaries fought since the 1960s against the Somoza tyranny, they maintained ties with the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party.

“And then it grew, the Chinese Revolution advanced, facing counterrevolutions and taking a great leap forward. Now, with President Xi Jinping, much wider doors are opening for humanity,” Ortega emphasized.

According to Ortega, the president of China expressed very clearly how to make the planet a world of peace and complementarity, where nations help each other and powers do not take advantage of their power to impose themselves and exploit the people. “And China has been complying with its principles, which are revolutionary principles, they are the principles of the Chinese Communist Party, with which we have always maintained relations,” he highlighted.

Ortega referred to the 1990s when the neoliberal governments imposed by the United States came to power in Nicaragua, and the first thing they did was break ties with China. “We returned to the government and always in communication with China (…) we have been united in the struggle, in the battles that the Chinese people have fought to improve their conditions, strengthen themselves in all fields and show solidarity with the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America,” he said.

Managua and Beijing reestablished diplomatic relations in December 2021, since then, they have advocated strengthening exchange and cooperation in all fields, especially in trade, transportation, and the scientific and technical spheres, among others.
