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BRICS supports creation of common geological platform

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Moscow, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The countries of the BRICS group supported Russia's initiative to establish a common geological platform, reported the Russian entity that manages mineral resources (Rosnedra)

During a round table, the director of Rosnedra, Evgeny Petrov, presented the platform and explained its particularities. Those responsible for the geological services of the BRICS member countries highlighted the importance of this platform and supported its creation, the entity indicated on its official website.

Rosnedra specified that the platform involves exchanges of knowledge, technological development, exchange of experience, and common activities, among other activities.

The structure will have a coordination council, commissions for joint projects, a council for technology transfer, a working group for the most important minerals, a group of experts and specific teams.

The areas of cooperation between the BRICS member countries include geological prospecting, regional geological studies and strategic deposits, as well as solutions for digitalization in the geological field.
