Monday, September 16, 2024
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President of YPFB visits mega hydrocarbon field in Bolivia

La Paz, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The president of Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, will hold a technical visit to the Mayaya Centro X1 megafield, in the north of the department of La Paz, for stratigraphic research, corporation sources said.

With the Mayaya Centro X1 well, the “mega discovery” of a basin in the Northern Sub-Andean area, will mark a new era in hydrocarbon production in Bolivia. There will be an “immediate production” of liquids and gas, Dorgathen assured, who stated that it is one of the most important discoveries in Bolivia in the last 100 years, only comparable to the Bermejo-2 well, the first Bolivian oil well discovered in 1924 by US company Standard Oil Company.

“We found another basin, like the one we had found in the part of Tarija, in Santa Cruz, many years ago, 100 years ago, when the Bermejo well was found and began to develop,” Dorgathen told the press, and emphasized that the Subandino Norte well is a new basin, “something similar to what we had in the south,” and covers the north of La Paz, part of Beni and Pando.

The exploratory work shows that the Mayaya basin alone has a potential of 1.7 trillion cubic feet (TCF).

Dorgathen revealed that there are around five wells in the area similar to Mayaya, which is why “we are talking about around a potential of seven TCFs only in this area surrounding Mayaya.” He also confirmed that (…) “we are talking about a second stage, a second era that we are going to have of hydrocarbons in the country.”

The company’s president anticipated that YPFB will drill three more delimitation wells to define the size of the structure and visualize its entire context. “There are three wells that we are defining to continue with this operation. We are set for early production, and visualizing some plants that we can transport to the area to start early production of natural gas in the Mayaya area,” Dorgathen explained.
