Monday, September 16, 2024
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Dominicans take further measures against dengue outbreak

Santo Domingo, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) Dominican Public Health authorities are working to eradicate dengue fever in urban areas by combining guidance with fumigation operations, official sources revealed on Monday.

The Ministry again launched a domestic campaign to eliminate the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, particularly in the municipality of Santo Domingo East, where it took further measures against the outbreak of dengue fever.

In response to the death toll report, the healthcare authorities underscored that they have no confirmed deaths in those areas from the disease. They added that so far this year there have been over 400 dengue cases, but no deaths at all.

Experts clarified that unhygienic conditions and water accumulation can become mosquito breeding sites; sewage water is not a natural reservoir for Aedes aegypti.

Specialists indicated that citizens must remain alert to fever symptoms, headache, retro ocular and joint pain, general malaise, rash, and rapid clinical deterioration within 48 hours after fever symptoms.
