Monday, September 16, 2024
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New protests in Ecuador against fuel price hikes

Quito,Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) Social organizations of the Popular Front closed the streets again today in the Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil, to protest against the increase in fuel prices in Ecuador. Local media reported that the demonstrators stopped vehicle traffic with burning tires, accompanied by banners in rejection of the measure, imposed after the Government put an end to fuel subsidies.

On July 4, Ecuador also saw protests in several provinces, called by the United Workers Front (FUT) and the Popular Front, which groups a dozen civil groups here.

These sectors reject the elimination of fuel subsidies and the consequent increase in the prices of Extra and Ecopaís gasoline, as this measure will increase the cost of living.

According to the Government, the measure responds to a readjustment of prices and according to the official announcement, Extra and Ecopaís gasolines will go from 2.72 dollars per gallon to 2.75 until next August 11, when a new rate will be set.

Until June 28, these fuels were fixed at 2.42 dollars per gallon, but since that day the Executive put an end to the subsidies and determined that the value would change monthly depending on the fluctuations of the international oil market.

This was established by President Daniel Noboa through Executive Decree 308, which specifies that the price may increase up to five percent or decrease up to 10 percent.

The increase in fuel prices will create a domino effect on other products and services and will affect the economy of the poorest families, according to social organizations such as the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), which has not yet defined actions against the measure.
