Monday, September 16, 2024
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Hungarian leader plans new peace negotiations

Budapest, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will continue his peace mission to resolve the Ukrainian conflict and, therefore, plans new trips and negotiations abroad, his political advisor, Balazs Orban, informed on Monday.

We still have trips and negotiations ahead of us. We are in the middle of a very tense period, the advisor to the Hungarian leader said in an interview with the Magyar Nemzet newspaper.

Balazs Orban noted that Hungary intends to use its presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) politically in the second half of the year to create conditions for peace negotiations on Ukraine.

If the EU does not act now, it may not be able to do so later, the prime minister’s advisor stressed.

He indicated that the Hungarian leader sent proposals to the heads of the EU countries on the ways to resolve the Ukrainian conflict following the results of his peacekeeping mission, during which he visited Russia, the United States and Ukraine from July 2 to 11.

According to him, Hungary’s action plan is on the table of all European heads of government.

The prime minister informed the leaders of the European Council in writing about the results of the first stage of the negotiations, the peace mission and Hungary’s proposals.

If Europe wants peace and aims to have a decisive voice in resolving the military conflict and ending the bloodshed, then it must now develop and implement a change in its political course, he added.
