Monday, September 16, 2024
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Cuba and China expand cooperation

Beijing, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia noted the prospects to expand cooperation with China, specifically in the agricultural sector.

The Cuban leader told Prensa Latina about the possibilities of new spaces for Chinese training and technical assistance, obtaining seeds with high productive potential and accessing new technologies.

“Given the special relations between our countries, China has expressed its willingness to share its experiences with Cuban experts, on which we will be working immediately,” he added.

Tapia recalled that the agri-food sector was defined as a prioritized area in the implementation of the consensus reached by Presidents Xi Jinping and Miguel Díaz-Canel, in correspondence with Cuba’s urgent need to guarantee food sovereignty, he stressed.

The deputy prime minister pointed out that both nations have historic cooperation in agriculture. “The links in the field of sericulture and the cultivation of protein plants that have been maintained for more than a decade are a reference,” he noted.

Tapia added that his agenda in China also allowed him to share opinions with the main leaders of the ministries of Commerce and Agriculture, as well as the Chinese Agency for International Development Cooperation.

“With them we were able to review the highest priority issues for economic and collaboration ties, as a result, we ratified the will to continue to strengthen political dialogue and the exchange of experience in socialist construction,” he said.

Tapia visited several poultry and pork companies and production centers, which are leaders in the application of science, innovation, automation and biotechnology to improve the resistance and performance of production chains.

“China is a great friendly country, under the firm leadership of the Communist Party and President Xi Jinping, they have made great achievements, such as the eradication of extreme poverty,” Tapia commented.
