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Cuba recognizes efforts of the Puebla Group for Latin American unity

Havana, July 13 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President, Miguel Díaz-Canel, today recognized the efforts of the Puebla Group (GP) in favor of the unity of progressive forces in Latin America and the Caribbean since its founding five years ago.

The president congratulated on his social network X account this political and academic forum made up of representatives of the Latin American and European left, founded on July 12, 2019 in the Mexican city of Puebla.

The main objective of its founders is to articulate ideas, production models, development programs and State policies of a progressive nature, the GP states on its official website.

Considered as a space for reflection and political exchange that works for the comprehensive development of Latin American people, the GP is made up of presidents, former presidents, political and social leaders within the progressive movement, and academics from 19 countries.

The international political forum contributes to the design of programs that can accompany future progressive governments, committed to economic models of growth with social inclusion and respect for diversities, the publication details.
