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Syria denounces Israeli attack in coastal region

Damascus, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Defense Ministry announced that Israel perpetrated an attack against a site in the country's coastal region.

Through a statement, the military body said that several missiles fired from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea hit a position in the vicinity of the city of Banias, in the province of Tartous, some 350 kilometers northwest of Damascus.

The aggression caused some material losses, the Ministry stated.

On June 27, at least two people were killed and one soldier was wounded in an Israeli missile attack on the town of Hiyerah, some 13 kilometers south of the capital.

While a drone attack occurred on June 19 against two military sites of the Syrian Armed Forces in the provinces of Quneitra and Deraa, resulting in the death of an officer and material losses.

Israel constantly shells Syrian territory under the pretext of attacking pro-Iranian militias, while Damascus claims that these attacks constitute a violation of its sovereignty and international law.

The Arab country’s Foreign Ministry urged the UN Security Council to fulfill its responsibilities and put an end to these aggressions.
